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A window into the snippets of my world. Here, I share brief yet intimate glimpses, capturing fleeting thoughts, reflections, and moments that color my days. These posts are the heartbeat of my personal narrative, offering a mosaic of experiences, musings, and discoveries.

United Airlines

Insights from Research on Aircraft Infection Risks

Air travel has long been notorious for its confined spaces and recycled air, leading many travelers to dub airplanes as potential “disease barges.” The concerns about infection transmission on flights have been a topic of interest for researchers, and recent studies have shed light on where passengers can best avoid germs during their journeys. The Window...

aerial view of a city by the snowy mountains

Salt Lake City’s Futuristic Airport

Whoever said airports are just boring pitstops hasn’t seen what Salt Lake City (SLC) has cooked up! Imagine stepping into an airport that’s not just a transit hub but a thrilling preview of the place you’re about to explore. That’s exactly what the folks at SLC are doing with their swanky $5.1 billion makeover, lovingly dubbed the New SLC...

lake and mountain

Exploring National Parks Just Got Easier with Apple Maps

In its latest bid to enhance user experience, Apple has announced a significant update to Apple Maps that aims to make exploring national parks more accessible and enjoyable than ever before. Set to roll out this fall, the update introduces several new features tailored specifically for outdoor enthusiasts and travelers keen on immersing themselves in the natural...

Delta’s Expanded Ski Destinations

Delta Air Lines unveils an exciting expansion of its winter ski schedule, promising adventurers unparalleled access to some of America’s premier snowy playgrounds. Whether you’re a seasoned skier or simply yearning for a serene winter escape, Delta’s enhanced services ensure a seamless journey from hub to slope. Gateway from LAX: Discovering...

empty tables and chairs standing on a sidewalk outside of a restaurant

Navigating Tipping Etiquette Around the Globe

Embarking on a journey abroad this summer? Navigating the intricate customs of tipping can be a daunting task for many travelers. From Europe to Asia, Africa to Australia, each region boasts its unique norms when it comes to gratuity. So, how much should you tip in various corners of the world? Let’s delve into the intricacies of tipping etiquette across continents...
