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Venice Tourist Fees May Double Next Year


Venice tourist tax trial has concluded, and travelers should brace for potential fee increases next year. With the pilot program wrapped up, officials are considering doubling the current fees, which could significantly impact visitors to the Floating City.

The tourist tax trial brought in $2.3 million by charging visitors $5.45 on 29 days this year, primarily on weekends and holidays. Despite the revenue, many people, including opposition council member Giovanni Andrea Martini, consider the trial a failure. During the first 11 days of the trial, the city averaged 75,000 daily visitors—10,000 more than during three major holidays in 2023.

What will happen next year?

The tax will continue and may even be doubled in 2025, bringing it to $10.92. Initially aimed at preventing UNESCO from blacklisting Venice for poor upkeep, critics argue that the tax hasn’t improved livability for residents.

If you are planning a trip, be aware that costs may rise as Venice pursues sustainable tourism. There are now more tourist beds in the city than residents, whose numbers have dropped to just 50,000. So while tourists flock in, locals might soon be charging for a spot on their living room couch!

Tips for Travelers

  1. Plan Ahead: Keep an eye on official announcements regarding fee changes and budget accordingly.
  2. Visit Off-Peak: Consider traveling during weekdays or off-peak seasons to avoid higher fees and larger crowds.
  3. Support Local Businesses: Spend your money at local shops and eateries to help the community benefit from tourism.
  4. Respect the City: Follow guidelines to help preserve Venice’s beauty and heritage.

Venice remains a magical destination, but it’s essential to stay informed and be prepared for potential changes. Enjoy your visit while contributing positively to the city’s sustainability efforts!


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